As companies move through the pandemic, where and how will we work?

OpenWork Agency
2 min readJan 19, 2021


In the early months of 2021 companies and their workforce will be making important decisions with respect to where and how they will conduct their business once the pandemic has (finally) passed. Companies were — for the most part — able to adapt their businesses and workers, becoming flexible and maintaining productivity during this difficult time. It has been called a “mass work from home” experiment and yet now it is better understood as an acceleration for a work from home (WFH) component of the overarching (hybrid) workplace strategy. There is a fluidity between onsite and offsite emerging that requires new thinking for what it means to work, for workers and the purpose of the workplace.

We know the office — the core of a company’s brand and identity — will remain a critical hub of company culture now and into the future.

That said, each company and — for that matter — each employee — has a set of requirements for the work and the workplace in which it happens. This is not an easy resolution as the hybrid workplace allows for multiple strategies and integration of a company hub, home, and third places such as coworking, coffee shops, outdoor venues and the like. To make these important decisions and to have flexible options as circumstances change both now and in the immediate future requires solid credible information upon which to move forward.

Gathering data in a survey is one important step — though it requires having the right questions that point to actions that will further the success of the company and its people.

Learn about the Post-Covid Hybrid Workplace Planner



OpenWork Agency

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